Emotion Controlling the tone in your screenwriting. Tone concerns the audience's experience. It's about how they react to what they see, hear, and even feel. At its core, it is about the suspension of disbelief.
Scene Work The two ingredients to tension in your screenwriting. Nothing keeps us engaged in a story more than tension. It's one of the most effective tools we have to keep the audience watching.
The Mental Battle 4 steps to get more screenwriting done, even if it's not your full-time job yet. We have to learn to write when talent doesn't show up. We have a job, and sometimes we gotta punch the clock.
Scene Work Five Questions For Every Scene Screenwriting is scene work. Scenes and sequences are at the heart of what we do. But how do we write great scenes, and how do we REwrite them?
Action Lines It's The Intention That Matters We ask ourselves: what is the emotion we want to evoke? What information do we want to impart, or what visual do we want to reveal? Put simply, what is the intention?
Story The Concept Is King This is a concept-driven industry now. For better or for worse. The concept should be unique but just as important: the unique thing should be what generates conceptually unified scenes.
Action Lines It's your movie. Put the reader in the audience If we can get the reader to see the images and feel the emotions, we can transmit our enthusiasm and excitement for the project to them.
Character Finding The Core Belief: The Impact of the Flat-Arc Protagonist Stories where the protagonist remains steadfast in their beliefs and, in doing so, changes everyone around them. This is called in some circles... "The flat-arc protagonist."
The Business How To Incorporate Screenplay Notes From Friends, Writers Groups, and Others. This week is a different kind of development challenge. What to do with notes from friends, family, other writers, coverage, contests, and any other input you get from the various sources.
The Mental Battle Navigating Screenplay Development Without Getting Fired. Early in my screenwriting career, I was insecure, combative, and a pain to work with. Here is how I turned that around.
Structure Exposition: Find The Emotional Connection In Your Screenwriting The early challenges of sloppy exposition are due mainly to a lack of confidence and trust. Which is also kind of the bad news. It takes time to develop those two things.
Action Lines Make Your Screenplay More Readable: Write Vertically Put simply, writing vertically refers to making choices that push the reader's eyes DOWN the page more often than they go ACROSS the page.